In May, Mike and I had the opportunity to do some modeling for a bunch of photographers that do stock photography for an online stock company called I started looking into the website myself and thought, "hey! I can do this. Why not give it a try?" I am learning that stock photography is a lot harder than it looks. is very picky about quality. Which is good. But it's making me learn and practice my own photography to be even better. I have attached some of the shots we received from our own modeling we did in May. We got to be the "beach" couple out at Sand Hallow Reservoir. It was a really fun and interesting experience. Especially for me, watching and learning from other photographers. My last picture is a photo I took yesterday for my
istock profile. It's been really fun to try and figure out what to take pictures of and then how to light/organize/execute that photo. As part of my "photo of the day" series, I will add some of my own stock photography shots.
Didn't mike do such a wonderful thumb modeling? haha.
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